David Garrett Izzo author of Christopher Isherwood: His Era, His Gang, and the Legacy of the Truly Strong Man ($29.92, University of South Carolina Press)
David Garrett Izzo sets out to explain and explore the life of Christopher Isherwood as a man who rejected the standards of what a staunchly divided English class system defined for him, instead choosing to formulate his own ideas regarding his place as a man. His explorations of mystic philosophy, his immigration to the United States and his friendships with such authors as W.H. Auden all serve to formulate the image of what Izzo refers to as the Truly Strong Man.
"Even if you don't realize it, you know who Christopher Isherwood is. His 1939 novel Goodbye to Berlin inspired the play and film I Am a Camera and later the musical Cabaret. David Garrett Izzo's Christopher Isherwood is the latest dissection of the fascinating writer's work. Next year look for his historical novel, A Change of Heart, about Isherwood, Aldous Huxley and W.H. Auden."
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