Jim Mancinelli
Jim Mancinelli holds no academic positions, but can sustain a full lotus for 400 milliseconds. Reborn at fifty, Jim is a jazz-hound with Baroque ears, Beat eyes, and a touch of Zeppelin for color. Poetry is the thing, but prose has become a fine neighbor. Jim is currently working on a series of poems informed by the work of a true trip-master, Salvador Dali. Jim lives in NJ with his partner Dave and fond memories of Potter the Blind Bird Dog. Jim has a poem coming out in the summer/fall edition of Sea Change, a new poetry journal. He has been a featured reader for Poets + Prophets andhas self-published his first chapbook, Primer.
Michael Grover
Michael is a product of Larry Jaffe's infamouse Poetic Licence Crew
in Los Angeles, where he did several features in the LA area. His work has
been published in Alphabeat Soup, The San Gabriel Poetry Quarterly, Wild
Wild World, Lucid Moon, and The Mumia 911 Anthology for Los Angeles.
Online he has been published at poeticvoices, and getunderground. He is the webmaster at museumofpoetry.com.